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Is the building recession over?  Well, not exactly but at least some people think it is around the corner.

The CCDC (Centre City Development Corporation) has unanimously approved the proposed Bosa Development residential condominium building in downtown San Diego, California.  Located at Ash Street and Kettner Blvd, the building will stand 413 feet high with 36 stories.

The single tower building with have a total of 285 condos, of which 273 will have 2 bedrooms and the remaining will be one bedroom units.  Although the official ground breaking has not been announced yet, I’m sure the Bosa marketing machine is already gearing up for its strategy of creating “buzz” for some preconstruction sales.  My guess is for Spring 2012 for the marketing to begin….

I’m sure this will be another “Class A” type of building with the usual luxury features that all of Bosa’s buildings are accustomed to having.

If you’d like to see the complete CCDC report, click here:

For more information contact David Stone at 619-206-1551